
Bagels Lox & Tefilin

  •  Tefillin. One of the most significant Mitzvot of the Torah. The daily laying of Tefillin has been observed and treasured for thousands of years, right down to the present day.

    Chabad of Islip welcomes you to join us for

    B agles L ox & T efilin

      Start each month in a holy way as we  take the  opportunity to fulfill the important Mitzvah of putting on Tefillin. Enjoy bagels, lox & cream cheese, with a cup of freshly brewed coffee & good shmooze.

                   B agels  L ox & T efilin will be held one Sunday of each month at 9:00am

    Based at Chabad of Islip - 49 Union Ave in ISLIP

     It just takes a few'll feel inspired for the rest of the day & week.

    No previous experience necessary.

    Tefillin are available if you don’t own a pair.

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