![]() WHEN 6 Monday Evenings Instructor: Rabbi Shimon Stillerman This course is being offered for both online and in-person attendees LOCATION Chabad of Islip Township 283 Ocean Ave Islip, NY 11751 MORE INFO www.chabadofislip.com/JLI Special couples price $145 Course Overview
Lesson Outline
Myths and Facts in and about the Bible
Is “an eye for an eye” meant to be taken literally? Was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge an apple? Did the Jews actually cross the Red Sea? Does the bible suggest Moses had horns? We leap beyond a Hebrew School comprehension of the Bible, as we explore the deeper significance of its stories and their profound lessons for life.
From Womb to Tomb - Exploring the Jewish Lifecycle
Ready to hear why babies really cry at birth? Who really chooses a baby name? Who should you not invite to a Bris? Why celebrate a bar or bat mitzvah? What’s with breaking glass under the wedding canopy? What is Shiva really all about? Peppered with astounding insights along the way, we’ll journey from birth through burial, infusing meaning and relevance into the customs and traditions of the Jewish life cycle.
Angels, Blessings, and Evil Eyes in Jewish Life
What is the evil eye? How does it work? Are you telling me my words have power? Are we accompanied by guardian angels? Do they have wings? Join us as we enter the hidden world of the occult and investigate the fascinating interaction between matter and spirit.
Taking a bite out of life with Kosher Food Facts
Ever wondered what it is about Jews and food? What makes food kosher? Why is pork considered the quintessential non-kosher chow? Who invented Gefilta fish? Ready to hear about Kosher Fried Locusts? With tasty surprises along the way, we’ll learn a thing or two about Jewish diet in this mouth-watering, eye-opening session.
Israel Facts
There has been so much myths and misconceptions when it comes to Israel. This will be an eye opening lesson into what is Judaism's approach to International criticism, how to evaluate security risks, what is considered military success, what is a real correct proportional response, and if Israel shuold be offering land for peace.
Myths, Misconceptions, and Urban Legends
Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction. Do Jews believe in Satan? Can a Jew convert out of the faith? If tattoos aren't allowed, what's about a nose job? Peering into a world of untold mystery, we’ll explore common Jewish myths rooted in non-Jewish beliefs, everything from the bizarre to the downright outrageous.