
Meditations: Unleash the Real You

  • We're living in unprecedented times.

    A tiny organism, a minuscule virus is wreaking havoc on lives the world over.

    The stress takes a toll on our mind and psyches.

    World renowned author, mystic, psychologist and lecturer Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf has pioneered modalities combining Jewish mysticism and eastern meditations to reduce stress, and train the mind to more positive and regulated thinking and outcomes.

    This Wednesday we are very pleased to present Rabbi Laibl Wolf who will guide us in helping us maintain a calm inner self during times of stress. Part meditations, part lecture, this zoomcast is not to be missed!

    Unleash the Real You
    Positive Thought in Crisis
    Wednesday, May 13, 2020
    7:30 pm
    Zoom room opens at 7:15 pm


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